ZLBT Chats

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Sharer Not A Trading Guru

Experience Counts 
My trading career spans decades, not years. My trading stories can be boring, exciting and questionable at the same time. I've never pocketed RM10,000 with a single trade ( 1 lot FKLI ), but I have watched few times that slipped away. I have never bet more than I could afford to lose, and my family has never suffered emotional distress or devastating financial losses from my trading. Consequently, any recovery needed from busted trades took minutes, maybe hours, from my life.

I coach a little ( if you can call it that ), and I do some consultancy ( usually on a person2person basis ). I can't tell you how to trade, nor predict what the next hot trade is. I can't even tell you that I have gotten rich from trading. What I can, and will, do for you, though, is give reasoned responses to your questions. I will tell you the truth as I see it, which you might or might not like. Failure to agree is an option here for I will only tell you things I have learned ( through experience ), things that might turn losses into gains and frustration into equanimity. Books and theories are a dime a dozen. 

I relate to the personal side of trading, the side that deals with you as a trader, not you as a decipherer of symbols and patterns. Double fat bottoms, upside-down waving flags, or cups with two handles  may mean the world to you, not me. I am a simple trader with a plan and a piece of software that works. I have no grand trading ambition, nor do I believe trading is a way to vast wealth.

For every Warren Buffet, tens of thousands are licking their wounds, patching up their lives, or simply living out their lives in some measure of desperation.

As well, though, tens of thousands of traders work hard, make a decent go of it, and survive to make another ringgit on another day. These are my people, my traders, my ZLBTians. These traders are the salt of the pits. Traders who actually succeed with their emotions and bank accounts intact form the foundation of anything I will ever tell you. 

My simple goal is to help you help yourself become a successful trader.

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